Executive Order to Eliminate “Just Plain Dumb” Regulations

The over-regulation of the cosmetic industry that has been proposed in various legislation that we have fought on a State and National level is exactly the kind of “just plain dumb” regulation that would fall under this Executive Order.  I’ve asked Donna Maria to allow me to share her post on Essential U because I think it is good news.  What do you think?

Obama’s Executive Order To Eliminate Absurd And Unnecessary Paperwork, “Just Plain Dumb” Regulations :: by Donna Maria Coles Johnson of Indie Business. 

Here’s a post for anyone interested in the safety of cosmetic and personal care products. The Campaign For Safe Cosmetics is promoting “just plain dumb” regulations because:L 1) its analysis of the problem it is seeking to solve is not driven by science or facts and 2) its proposed solution is heavy-handed, expensive and does not address the larger problem that we have of unhealthy chemicals in our environment. Here’s more on cosmetic safety. Check out the rest of the Essential U post at the above link.

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